Personal Finance

This video will give you important information you should know about banking, lending, and insurance.
Health & Wellness Webinar

In this webinar, Sherrie Eubanks of Centerstone and Auntonio Brown of Rare Breed Fitness share information about how their organizations are supporting teen mental and physical health. Learn about the services they off and some of the common health challenges that teens are facing.
College Prep Webinar

Representatives from our local colleges talk about their schools and give important information to think about when considering what school you should go to and how to pay for your education.
Job Readiness Webinar

James Mastriano of Manpower in Richmond IN talks about Manpower and how they help citizens find employment and support them through the process. This conversation also covers important information for teens to know as they think about getting their first job or starting their career.
Giving Back to the Community

Mayor Dave Snow and Pastor Cassandra Brown talk about their service to the community and why it is important to give back. Both talk about what teens can do now to give back to the community.
Civic Engagement

Kelley Cruse – Nicholson and Nick Elder talk about why it is important to be involved in the political process through voting and communicating with elected officials. They also talk about how teens can get engaged now and work to make positive change in the community.