by carlrhinehart | May 9, 2013
I would like to extend a very special “thank you” to Travis Kohn and Stasia Veramalley-Hodges for coming to talk with the students about banking and fiscal management. Travis is a Personal Banker and Stasia is a Financial Advisor. The emphasis of this...
by carlrhinehart | Apr 25, 2013
Thank you to Erin Ferguson of Youth As Resources for sharing with us the importance of getting involved in our community. When planning a service project you have to set goals, your goals should be S.M.A.R.T. Specific: Who is involved? What do I want to accomplish?...
by carlrhinehart | Apr 23, 2013
I would like to thank our guests from Reid Hospital (Lisa Nantz & Brent Sanders) for coming and sharing their Human Resource experiences and helping students prepare for the workplace. Searching for a Job: Networking is the best way to...
by carlrhinehart | Apr 11, 2013
Thank you to our representatives from Ivy Tech (Stephanie Alexander), IU East (Bailey Hall), and Earlham College (Susan Hillman de Castenada) Preparing for College Check your Habits: Make sure that you are taking the right classes in high school. Also, make sure...
by carlrhinehart | Mar 29, 2013
Students at Richmond High School are learning about the Future Achievers program from a very special guest. On March 27th, Mabel Simmons aka Madea, took time out of her schedule to encourage the students to sign up for the Future Achievers program. The students...